meet Erin

Creator/coach/wellness enthusiast

the founder


My journey began with a profound belief in the transformative power of coaching. Witnessing the impact of personalized guidance on individuals inspired me to delve into the realms of branding and business coaching. I discovered the incredible synergy between these disciplines and their ability to achieve powerful results.

At Prestige Studios, I bring together years of experience, a keen eye for detail, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. My digital marketing and content creation journey boasts key achievements that demonstrate my impact and expertise. My coaching philosophy is centered around understanding your unique goals, providing actionable insights, and championing your journey towards success. 

I firmly believe that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams, and my role as a coach is to help them unlock and harness that potential. Through one-on-one sessions, workshops, and personalized strategies, I guide individuals in developing a clear vision for their personal brand and business goals.

My approach is collaborative and personalized - I understand that each individual or business has unique needs and goals. That's why I take the time to get to know my clients, their industry, and their target audience. By doing so, I am able to provide tailored solutions that align with their specific objectives.

some facts about me

10 years

of experience in coaching, photography, social media management, & content creation.

100 clients

Assisted over 100 clients in achieving their goals through personalized strategies.

10 countries

Created visual stories that have reached audiences in over 10 countries worldwide.